Some encouraging news has just come in from Roche. Analysis of the results of Roche’s Phase III GENERATION HD1 trial, which was stopped in March 2021, has found that a subset of patients may benefit from Tominersen. The analysis showed that less frequent dosing of Tominersen may benefit younger patients will less advanced disease. Roche are now planning a new Phase II study for this specific group. You can read more here
Mai-Lise Nguyen, responsible for Global Patient Partnership at Roche expressed their appreciation for the commitment of all Tominersen study participants, their families and study team, saying that “their contributions led to new important scientific insights.“
EHDN is hosting a 90 minute webinar on the GENERATION HD1 results, geared towards a professional audience, on Jan 20, 2022 at 17:00 CET. If you’d like to join the webinar you can register here
EHA is also hosting a webinar on the same topic, geared towards a non-scientific audience, on Jan 24, 2022 18:00 CET. If you’d like to join the webinar you can register here