Today, 15th June, is National Huntington’s Disease Day in Portugal. To honour this special date, we have a message from the Portuguese association, Associação Portuguesa de Doentes de Huntington (APDH)

Today that marks National Day of Huntington's Disease, we want to say some words that we wish you pass on to each contact network. Our path has always been to divulge, raise awareness, educate and fight for better living conditions for patients and their caregivers. As a big objective, the making of a Specialized Unit to care for people with this disease, approved in the Portuguese Assembly in 2018, but that is taking time to be implemented. Since the HD patients are not elderly, don't have any mental disability and until this point don't have any cure, they do not fit in the existing types of care. So, we are going to keep fighting for the HD Community

The Portuguese Huntington’s Disease Association, created by a group of family members and friends of patients with HD in 2001, pursues, as a priority, purposes of a social and health nature conducive to promoting the conditions and quality of life of people with HD and their family members and/ or caregivers.

To celebrate the special date, the APDH is organizing a solidarity walk in Oporto, Portugal, for all the community. The walk finishes with a nice picnic in the town’s park.

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