En global indsats for at hjælpe mennesker med Huntingtons sygdom
En paraplyorganisation uden gevinst for øje, der blev oprettet i 1974 af Marjorie Guthrie. Den repræsenterer nu mere end 250 000 enkeltpersoner og medlemsforeninger over hele verden.
Få mere at vide om HD
For five decades, the International Huntington Association has been supporting the global HD community. Our 50th-anniversary celebration marks not only a milestone in our history but also the beginning of important new initiatives, projects aimed at furthering our impact, reaching ever more people and bringing hope and comfort to all.
Se, hvad vi har lavet
A dedicated news platform that gathers the latest updates from local Huntington's disease associations and key global resources. Our goal is to provide the HD community with timely, relevant, and insightful news from across the world, helping families, caregivers, and advocates stay informed and connected. Stay up to date with the latest advancements in research, support initiatives, and community stories.
Visit HD Focus
HD is a complex disease, and even with a lot of information available today, we believe that something is missing: personal stories. Feelings, advice, choices, ideas, indecision, mechanisms, and thoughts all need a space to be shared. Therefore, HD Blog was created to provide such a place.  The community is essential because it helps us understand that we are not alone in our struggles as others feel the same way we do.
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HDYO's internationale kongres for unge voksne
Prag, Tjekkiet
14.-16. marts 2025
MENA-kongres for sjældne sygdomme
Abu Dhabi, De Forenede Arabiske Emirater
17.-20. april 2025
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