IROS, Prilenia and International Huntington’s Disease Association collaborate on first-ever Huntington’s disease (HD) trial in the MENA region

Abu Dhabi, UAE; June 19, 2024: IROS, an Abu Dhabi-based contract research organization (part of the M42 group), has partnered with Prilenia Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biotech company, and the International Huntington’s Disease Association (IHA) to plan the first-ever clinical trial Læs mere...

Wave Life Sciences annoncerer positive resultater fra fase 1b/2a SELECT-HD-forsøget med den første kliniske demonstration af allel-selektiv mutant Huntingtin-sænkning i Huntingtons sygdom

I dag annoncerede Wave Life Sciences positive resultater fra SELECT-HD, vores fase 1b/2a placebokontrollerede forsøg, der evaluerer forsøgsbehandlingen WVE-003. Disse resultater viser, at WVE-003 selektivt sænker giftigt, muteret huntingtin (mHTT)-protein og bevarer sundt, vildtype huntingtin (wtHTT)-protein for individer Læs mere...

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