IROS, Prilenia and International Huntington’s Disease Association collaborate on first-ever Huntington’s disease (HD) trial in the MENA region

Abu Dhabi, UAE; June 19, 2024: IROS, an Abu Dhabi-based contract research organization (part of the M42 group), has partnered with Prilenia Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biotech company, and the International Huntington’s Disease Association (IHA) to plan the first-ever clinical trial Baca lebih lanjut...

Wave Life Sciences Mengumumkan Hasil Positif dari Uji Coba SELECT-HD Fase 1b/2a dengan Demonstrasi Klinis Pertama dari Penurunan Huntingtin Mutan Selektif Alel pada Penyakit Huntington

Today, Wave Life Sciences announced positive results from SELECT-HD, our Phase 1b/2a placebo-controlled trial evaluating the investigational therapy WVE-003. These results demonstrate that WVE-003 selectively lowers toxic, mutant huntingtin (mHTT) protein and preserves healthy, wild-type huntingtin (wtHTT) protein for individuals Baca lebih lanjut...

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