Rare Diseases International (RDI), announced the launch of the RDI Youth Leadership Programme, an initiative designed to engage and empower young people within the rare disease community. This programme aims to ensure that the perspectives of young leaders are actively represented in global discussions and decision-making processes that shape the future of rare diseases.
Through this programme, participants will:
-Contribute their unique insights and expertise to the rare disease ecosystem
-Build essential leadership skills through capacity-building opportunities
-Foster collaboration across the global rare disease community
By empowering the next generation of advocates, the programme ensures that RDI aligns with the needs and expectations of the next generation and remains relevant in a rapidly evolving world.
Participation is voluntary and lasts for the duration of 2 years, renewable up to 3 times. Members are expected to commit time to attend quarterly virtual meetings on Microsoft Teams, actively engage in Programme activities, collaborate with one another, and represent the voice of youth at a national, regional and global level. There will be four online meetings per year, in addition to one in-person meeting annually. Please see section 9 for the dates of the first two virtual meetings and the in-person event.
The applications are now open until January 31 2025 and you can apply tutaj and read the Terms of Reference tutaj.
If you have any questions about the Programme or if are experiencing any difficulties with your application, please contact gaia.esposito@rarediseasesint.org
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