Tanita Allen, a dedicated advocate for Huntington’s Disease and author of her much labored memoir “We Exist”, is starting a new column for the IHA website, called Be Empowered by Tanita Allen.
This column will bring a message of empowerment. “Whether you are gene-positive, symptomatic, a caregiver, or someone simply seeking to understand HD better, I want Be Empowered by Tanita Allen to be a place where we uplift one another. This space is for honest conversations, encouragement, and actionable steps toward living a fulfilling life despite the challenges we face.”, states Tanita in her first article, that is already available tukaj.
More about the author
Tanita is also a featured author in Forbes, Brain and Life magazine, she has done numerous podcasts and advocacy work, and has a blog that reflects living your best life with a chronic illness thrivewithtanita.com. You can also check out her column on Huntington’s Disease News