Remembering Xi

It is with great sadness that we received the news that IHA Vice President Cao Xi has passed away, after a short illness.  Xi was also the Founder and President […]

SOM Biotech paziņo 2.b fāzes pētījuma rezultātus

SOM Biotech iepazīstina ar 2.b fāzes pētījuma rezultātiem ar SOM3355, kas demonstrē unikālu profilu ar ievērojamiem horejas uzlabojumiem Hantingtona slimības pacientiem un drošu profilu bez miegainības, [...]

Reto slimību dienas 2025. gada kampaņa

The International Huntington Association, in collaboration with the European Huntington Association, is organizing a campaign for Rare Disease Day 2025, on the 28th February. The slogan for this year’s RDD […]

RDI uzsāk jauniešu līderības programmu

Rare Diseases International (RDI), announced the launch of the RDI Youth Leadership Programme, an initiative designed to engage and empower young people within the rare disease community. This programme aims […]

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