Растеж с HD: Прозрения и стратегии за подкрепа със Сири Хаген Кьолаас

At last year’s EHDN & Enroll-HD Conference in Strasbourg, we had the privilege of interviewing Siri Hagen Kjølaas, Ph.D., to discuss her groundbreaking research on the psychosocial challenges faced by […]
"Живот, който може да се живее" - нова книга, която представя историите на хора, засегнати от HD по целия свят

PRESS RELEASE – October 25, 2024, Moscow, Idaho, USAWe are pleased to announce the launch of a new book about Huntington’s disease (HD) called, Livable Lives: Conversations with the Huntington’s […]
Хроника на едно неумолимо търсене: Създаването на фондация

I belong to the third generation of a family affected by Huntington’s Disease, but it wasn’t until 2024, thanks to the tireless efforts of my second father, F. Cook, that […]
Ние съществуваме: Танита Алън разказва за борбата си да получи достъп до генетични изследвания в Съединените щати

In her memoir “We Exist”, Tanita Allen tells of the difficulty she had in having her symptoms correctly diagnosed as Huntington’s Disease. Time and again, she was misdiagnosed because doctors refused […]
HD Community Insights: Знание, съпричастност и насърчение - конференцията на EHA ме вдъхнови

Almost exactly 18 months after my diagnosis of suffering from Huntington’s Disease, I embarked on the journey to the European Huntington Conference in Belgium. The days in Blankenberge became an […]